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36 what does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent

An electrical device that offers resistance to the flow of charge is generically referred to as a resistor and is represented by a zigzag line. An open switch ... late 14c., "a circumference; a periphery, a line going around (an area), whether circular or not; a circular or circuitous course," from Old French circuit (14c.) "a circuit; a journey (around something)," from Latin circuitus "a going around," from stem of circuire, circumire "go around," from circum "round" (see circum-) + ire "to go" (from PIE root *ei- "to go"). From c. 1400 as "space enclosed within certain limits." Hence, "district in which any business involving periodic journeys is done (1570s), especially of judicial assignments involving the journey of a judge from one place to another; in reference to routes followed by itinerant entertainers from 1834. Hence also circuit-rider "Methodist minister who rides a circuit, preaching successively in different stations" (by 1834); to ride circuit "take a roundabout course" is from 1650s. Electrical sense "arrangement by which a current is kept up between two poles" is from 1746. Circuit-breaker "device for automatically opening an electrical circuit" is r

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power.The transistor is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material, usually with at least three terminals for connection to an electronic circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through another ...

What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent

What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent

What causes a bolt of lightning? Electrical charges build up in the clouds and on the ground. May 23, 2012 · Introduction: Three phase transformer consists of three sets of primary windings, one for each phase, and three sets of secondary windings wound on the same iron core. Separate single-phase transformers can be used and externally interconnected to yield the same results as a 3-phase unit. The primary windings are connected in one of several ways.… A circuit diagram (also known as an electrical diagram, ... common symbol is simply a series of peaks on one side of the line representing the conductor, ...

What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent. third-person singular present indicative of do (v.), originally a Northumbrian variant in Old English that displaced doth, doeth in literary English 16c.-17c. a Middle English merger of Old English line "cable, rope; series, row, row of letters; rule, direction," and Old French ligne "guideline, cord, string; lineage, descent" (12c.), both from Latin linea "linen thread, string, plumb-line," also "a mark, bound, limit, goal; line of descent," short for linea restis "linen cord," and similar phrases, from fem. of lineus (adj.) "of linen," from linum "linen" (see linen). The earliest sense in Middle English was "cord used by builders for taking measurements;" extended late 14c. to "a thread-like mark" (from sense "cord used by builders for making things level," mid-14c.), also "track, course, direction." Meaning "limit, boundary" (of a county, etc.) is from 1590s. The mathematical sense of "length without breadth" is from 1550s. From 1530s as "a crease of the face or palm of the hand." From 1580s as "the equator." Sense of "things or people arranged in a straight line" is from 1550s. Now considered American English, where British English uses queue (n.), but the sens A less common symbol is simply a series of peaks on one side of the line representing the conductor, rather than back-and-forth. Wire crossover symbols for ... "to go around," early 15c., from circuit (n.). Related: Circuited; circuiting.

Resistors. The most fundamental of circuit components and symbols! Resistors on a schematic are usually represented by a few zig-zag lines, with two terminals ... "to cover the inner side of" (clothes, garments, etc.), late 14c., from Old English lin "linen cloth" (see linen). Linen was frequently used in the Middle Ages as a second layer of material on the inner side of a garment. Hence, by extension, "to fill the insides of" (1510s). Related: Lined; lining. The zigzag and armchair configurations are not the only structures that a single-walled nanotube can have. To describe the structure of a general infinitely long tube, one should imagine it being sliced open by a cut parallel to its axis, that goes through some atom A, and then unrolled flat on the plane, so that its atoms and bonds coincide with those of an imaginary graphene sheet—more ... A zigzag line that appears on a vertical or horizontal axis line (indicating omitted material in print) must be included in the graph. Labels. If space is needed, some numbers can be omitted from the vertical and horizontal axis lines (e.g., only the even numbers or only the odd numbers are shown).

late 14c., "to tie with a cord," from line (n.). Meaning "to mark or mark off with lines" is from mid-15c. Sense of "arrange a line" is from 1640s, originally military; that of "to join a line" is by 1773. To line up is by 1864 as "form a good line, be in alignment;" 1889 as "form a line," in U.S. football; transitive sense "make into a line" is by 1902. Also see line-up. For line bees see bee-line. Related: Lined; lining. Jun 2, 2016 · 2 answersAnswer Expert Verified ... The zigzag line is the symbol for a resistor. The set of long and short lines between the plus and minus signs ... Circuit Symbols are used in circuit diagrams (schematics) to represent electronic ... of the components is usually quite different from the circuit diagram. descriptive of a dress or skirt flared in shape of a capital letter "A," 1955, in reference to the creations of French fashion designer Christian Dior (1905-1957).

Jun 16, 2013 · Pictorial diagram of Christmas lights in series circuit Schematic diagram of three bulbs connected in series controlled by a single pole switch. 90. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE 89 K to 12 – Technology and Livelihood Education 2. Parallel Circuit is a circuit in which lamps are connected across the wires.

1610s, "an illustrative figure giving only the outlines or general scheme of the object;" 1640s in geometry, "a drawing for the purpose of demonstrating the properties of a figure;" from French diagramme, from Latin diagramma "a scale, a musical scale," from Greek diagramma "geometric figure, that which is marked out by lines," from diagraphein "mark out by lines, delineate," from dia "across, through" (see dia-) + graphein "write, mark, draw" (see -graphy). Related: Diagrammatic; diagrammatically. The verb, "to draw or put in the form of a diagram," is by 1822, from the noun. Related: Diagrammed; diagramming.

Oct 08, 2020 · Below is an overview of the most used symbols in circuit diagrams. Battery. The symbol for a battery is shown below. A large and a small line is suppose to represent one battery cell so that the image below would suggest a two-cell battery of 3 V. But usually people just draw the battery symbol with one or two cells no matter what voltage it is.

Nov 23, 2021 · There are 5 main types of lines in art: vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, zigzag lines, and curved lines. Instead, print The most common is the horizontal accent, the fourth symbol in the diagram above; this is the symbol that most musicians mean when they say accent mark.

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If the two requirements of an electric circuit are met, then charge will flow through the external circuit. It is said that there is a current - a flow of charge. Using the word current in this context is to simply use it to say that something is happening in the wires - charge is moving. Yet current is a physical quantity that can be measured and expressed numerically.

late 14c., representen, "show, display, express; bring to mind by description," also "to symbolize, serve as a sign or symbol of (something else, something abstract); serve as the type or embodiment of;" also be a representative of" (the authority of another). This is from Old French representer "present, show, portray" (12c.) and directly from Latin repraesentare "make present, set in view, show, exhibit, display," from re-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see re-), + praesentare "to present," literally "to place before." Latin praesentare is from praesens, "present, at hand, in sight; immediate; prompt, instant; contemporary," itself from the present participle of the verb præesse "be before (someone or something), be at hand," from prae- "before" (see pre-) + esse "to be" (from PIE root *es- "to be"). Specifically in legal actions, "speak and act with authority on behalf of another by deputed right," by 1500. Also from c. 1500 as "describe as having a specified character or quality." The legislative sens

Mar 22, 2016 ... What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent? A. a source of electrical energy B. an electrical conductor C. an electrical ...

Correct ✓ answer ✓ - What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent? a. a source of electrical energy b. an electrical conductor c. an ...2 answers · 2 votes: The zigzag line is the symbol for a resistor. The set of long and short lines between the plus and m...

Nov 11, 2014 · Diagram A Diagram B Sample schematic diagrams of one bulb controlled by single pole switch using direct current (Diagram A) and alternating current (Diagram B) source. C. Types of Circuit 1. Series Circuit is a circuit in which lamps are arranged in a chain, so that the current has only one path to take. The current is the same through each load.

Answer to HELP QUICKLY What does the zigzag line in the circuit diagram represent? A. a source of electrical energy B. an electrical conductor C. an ...

Capacitors (parallel lines) store energy in your system, while resistors (zigzag lines) reduce current flow. All electrical engineering students should become ...

Jan 10, 2020 · 2 answersThe zigzag line is the symbol for a resistor. The set of long and short lines between the plus and minus signs represents a battery, and the ...

Old English hwæt, referring to things in abstraction; also "why, wherefore; indeed, surely, truly," from Proto-Germanic pronoun *hwat (source also of Old Saxon hwat, Old Norse hvat, Danish hvad, Old Frisian hwet, Dutch wat, Old High German hwaz, German was, Gothic hva "what"), from PIE *kwod, neuter singular of *kwos "who," from PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. Corresponding to Latin quid. Meaning "what did you say?" is recorded from c. 1300. As an adjective and adverb, in Old English. As a conjunction in late Old English. Exclamatory use was in Old English. What the _____ (devil, etc.) as an exclamation of surprise is from late 14c. As an interrogative expletive at the end of sentences from 1891; common in affected British speech. Or what as an alternative end to a question is first attested 1766. What have you "anything else one can think of" is from 1925. What's up? "what is happening?" first recorded 1881. "To give one what for is to respond to his remonstrant what for? by furt

A circuit diagram (also known as an electrical diagram, ... common symbol is simply a series of peaks on one side of the line representing the conductor, ...

May 23, 2012 · Introduction: Three phase transformer consists of three sets of primary windings, one for each phase, and three sets of secondary windings wound on the same iron core. Separate single-phase transformers can be used and externally interconnected to yield the same results as a 3-phase unit. The primary windings are connected in one of several ways.…

What causes a bolt of lightning? Electrical charges build up in the clouds and on the ground.

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